The business of selling wisdom

Posted: June 27, 2013 in A new social direction, Just thoughts, Spirituality

…these are comments and thoughts in reply to this article

We’re definitely witnessing a significant shift in humanity at all levels: spiritually, mentally, socially, technologically, even genetically. The big business of selling wisdom is being self maintained by the paradoxical gap between the uncertainties and mysteries of life and a living environment perfectly described by Einstein as a world where “our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power”. While our scientists (as well as politicians/leaders) insist that EVERYTHING in our world has a logical, reasonable explanation and everything is under (their) control, we all somehow know and sense that there is much more going on beyond that. The mind seeks immediate, reasonable, tangible answers, while another “inaccessible” power within us continually feeds us inputs which most of us simply can’t process and understand – yet we feel IT, we know IT is there. This intriguing, yet huge contradiction is what feeds the business of selling wisdom. I guess a useful question to ask would be: where will we go from here as a race, as inhabitants of this planet? Following the same technological model translates into continuing on our current path of spiritual ignorance and that will eventually lead us to racial annihilation. This is not a fatefully doomed vision, but rather a reasonable, logical conclusion entirely backed up by historical facts (ours and not only). I’ve mentioned reasonable and logical yet again, but what if none of this IS reasonable by our standards? What if none of this is by chance despite the fact that we all have the potential to access the wisdom of the guru within?

I believe we’re all on the same journey but the means, needs and understanding of seeking are different. If selling wisdom would be the only “plague” of our age, it wouldn’t even be that bad. But then again, what is bad and what is good in a purely illusionary world? Probably none – they are all merely necessary experiences.

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